
Tips For Keeping Your Air Conditioning Unit In Top Shape

Tips For Keeping Your Air Conditioning Unit In Top Shape

Summer is in full swing and that means the temperatures are on the rise. Keeping your home cool during these hot days can be a challenge, but with a little preparation and some expert tips, you can keep your air conditioning unit running like a well-oiled machine. Read on for our top tips on how to maintain your AC unit so you can stay cool all summer long.

Clean the air filter regularly

If you want your air conditioning unit to run smoothly all season long, it’s important to keep it in top shape. One of the most important things you can do is clean the air filter regularly. A dirty air filter will cause the air conditioning unit to work harder and use more energy. This can lead to higher cooling costs and may even cause the unit to break down.

To clean the air filter, first, find out what type of filter your unit has. Then follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning it. Typically, you will need to remove the filter from the unit, wash it with soap and water, and then let it dry before reinstalling it. It’s also a good idea to check the filter every month or so to make sure it’s not clogged up. If it is, you can clean it more often.

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Vacuum the coils and fins

Summertime is the perfect time to take a closer look at your air conditioning unit and make sure it’s in top shape for the coming months. One easy way to help keep your AC running smoothly is to vacuum the coils and fins. This will remove any built-up dirt or debris that may be hindering the unit’s performance. To vacuum the coils and fins, start by unplugging the AC unit and removing the filter.


Vacuum the filter thoroughly, then use the crevice tool on your vacuum cleaner to clean between the coils and fins. Be sure to pay close attention to any areas where there may be a lot of build-ups, as this is where your AC is likely to be struggling. Finally, replace the filter and plug in the AC unit. Turn it on and let it run for a few minutes so that the coils can get cold. This will help clear out any remaining dirt or dust and ensure that your AC is running at its best.

Make sure the unit is properly sized for your home

Your air conditioning unit is an important part of your home, so it’s essential to ensure it’s in good shape. One way to do that is to ensure that it’s appropriately sized for your home. If it’s too small, it won’t be able to cool your home adequately, and if it’s too big, it will waste energy and cost you more money in the long run. You can do a few things to determine the right size for your air conditioner. One is to look at the square footage of your home.

The other is to look at the climate where you live. If you live in a very hot environment, you’ll need a larger unit than someone in a cooler temperature. Another thing to remember is that air conditioners lose efficiency over time. So even if you have the perfect size air conditioner when it’s new, it may not be the right size anymore a few years later. That’s why scheduling regular maintenance checks for your air conditioning unit is important. A technician can help you determine whether your unit is still the right size for your home and make any necessary adjustments.

Don't block the airflow with furniture or other objects

  • When it comes to your air conditioning unit, it’s essential to ensure that you keep the airflow unobstructed. Blocking the airflow can cause your air conditioner to work harder than necessary, leading to decreased performance and increased energy costs. One of the most common ways to block the airflow is by placing furniture in front of the unit. This can be especially problematic in smaller rooms where there’s not a lot of extra space to work with.

    Another common mistake is throwing blankets or clothes near the unit to keep warm. Not only does this block the airflow, but it can also cause the unit to overheat. If you’re having trouble keeping your air conditioning unit running effectively, look at your home and see if you’re blocking the airflow. If you are, try to find a way to move the furniture or other objects out of the way. You may also want to consider purchasing a room air conditioner if you don’t have enough space to keep the airflow unobstructed.

Keep the vents clear of dust and debris

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Summertime is the perfect time to take a closer look at your air conditioning unit and ensure it’s in good shape for the hot months ahead. One way to help keep your AC unit running smoothly is to keep the vents clear of dust and debris. If you have pets, check the vents for pet hair as well. You can either clean them yourself or hire a professional to do it for you.


Keeping your AC unit in good shape will help keep your home cool and comfortable all summer. In addition, it will also help save you money on your energy bills. When it comes to cooling your home, you can do a few things to keep your air conditioning unit in top shape. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your unit lasts for years.

Check for leaks and seal them up if necessary

There’s nothing worse than a malfunctioning air conditioning unit in the middle of summer. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also be costly to repair. One way to help keep your air conditioning unit in top shape is to check for leaks and seal them up if necessary. Leaks can occur for a number of reasons, such as a worn-out seal or a cracked hose. If you spot any leaks, make sure to seal them up as soon as possible. You can use duct tape, silicone sealant, or a similar adhesive to do this.

It’s also important to make sure that your air conditioning unit is properly maintained. This includes changing the filter on a regular basis and cleaning the coils. A clean air conditioning unit will run more efficiently and use less energy. If you’re having trouble keeping your air conditioning unit in top shape, it may be time to call in a professional. A qualified technician can identify any potential problems and recommend the best course of action.

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Maintaining your air conditioning unit is an important part of keeping your home or office comfortable during the summer. By following these tips, you can help keep your AC unit running smoothly and prevent expensive repairs down the road. In addition to regular maintenance, be sure to keep an eye out for signs that your AC unit may need repair or replacement.

At West Island Air Conditioning Repair, we know how important it is to keep your air conditioning unit in top shape. That’s why we offer a variety of maintenance and repair services to keep your AC unit running smoothly all summer long. Contact us today at (438) 701-1403 to schedule a service appointment.

Air Conditioning Repair Dorval, QC